
Welcome to McKinney Municipal Utility District No. 1

Welcome to the McKinney Municipal Utility District No. 1 website. Here, residents can find information regarding upcoming events, news, paying their bill online, district boundaries, the board of directors, public documents from the District, contact information, and links to the following services.

General Meeting Information:
The Board typically holds regular meetings at 11:00 a.m. on the second Thursday of the month at:
1150 Olympic Crossing
McKinney, TX 75069

For specific meeting date, time, and location, please refer to the Meeting Agenda.

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District News and Information


Although cleanup is still in progress, ALL of the trails and fairways have been cleared of fallen trees, limbs, and debris.

Trails and fairways are clear and safe for transit and disc golf. However, there are several pockets of muddy areas around a few t-pads and on some of the trails and fairways.

Please watch for snakes! We have been seeing a couple a day since the wooded trails and fairways have been so inactive over the last few weeks due to weather and flooding. trees, limbs, and debris.

By |June 15th, 2024|


ALL wooded trails and fairways are CLOSED (NO EXCEPTIONS).

Water just receded Friday morning (June 7). However, there are still trees and huge limbs down or still falling. For LIFE & DEATH SAFETY, please do not cross the caution and danger tape and barriers!!

There is a possibility of more rain this Sunday and Monday. Staff will try to access the wooded trails and fairways next week, when it is safe enough to do so.

Fairways and wooded trails will remain CLOSED until determined safe for public use. This could take 2 to 3 weeks depending on weather. We apologize the inconvenience. The Staff is diligently working to reopen fairways and trails soon as possible.

By |June 7th, 2024|


PLEASE DO NOT allow kiddos to block the main drain on the splashpad causing a pool that overflows all the splashpad water to the flowerbeds!

Blocking the splashpad main drain empties the recirculating tank causing the pumps to run dry which will burn up the pumps and also cause the chlorine and UV system to overwork trying to keep up the water balance.

Blocking the splashpad main drain while the features are running will cause SEVERE damage and to the system pumps, and UV system causing a splashpad shutdown while we have to make EXTREMELY costly and lengthy repairs to the entire system.

By |May 20th, 2024|

Restrooms at Basecamp and Old Joe Dog Park

With weather conditions dropping below freezing most nights, the District has determined that the Bathrooms at Basecamp will be closed January 8th and reopened when the temperatures are back above freezing. The water will also remain turned off for the fountains at Basecamp and Old Joe Dog Park and will open as weather permits.

By |January 5th, 2024|

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